Estate Agent in Crawley is now a member of the NALS
NALS, the National Approved Letting Scheme, aims to rid the private letting industry of cowboys
NALS, the National Approved Letting Scheme, aims to rid the private letting industry of cowboys
How to avoid the common pitfalls that other agents and landlords make where the effects can be devestating.
The key to selling your property in a market where transactions are running 40% below their 2007 peak.
It really does make a difference if you prepare your property before placing it on the market.
Key considerations you need to take into account when buying your first investment property.
How to spot the 'over valuation tactic'
If you are planning to rent your property then an inventory is essential to protect your asset!
When you are selling your house, a good timing is essential. In the last two years, July and August delivered our strongest sales in Crawley.
One of the most daunting problems in a lettings property is condensation; the damp, mouldy enemy of every tenant and landlord. But who needs to deal with it?
Having to choose the right estate agent is a big challenge. Find a bit of advice how to do it most efficiently.