Crawley and Horsham landlords set for 7% rise in rental incomes
After years of huge strain on landlords, things look set to get rosier for the buy-to-let market.
After years of huge strain on landlords, things look set to get rosier for the buy-to-let market.
The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt abolished multiple dwelling stamp duty relief and the furnished holidays regime and introduced a cut to 4% cut to Capital Gains Tax. But what does it mean for homeowners?
On 1st October 2015 certain elements of the Deregulation Act 2015 come into effect. This will restrict Landlords ability to serve Section 21's in certain circumstances
The boundaries of liability for repairs for Landlords
All deposits taken before 6th April 2007 must be registered before 23rd June 2015
New Capital Gains Tax legislation introduced on 6th April 2015 affecting non-UK resident landlords.
Landlords will be responsible for installing working fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors from October 2015.
HMRC is targeting tax evasion by residential landlords
As the cost of buying has fallen, has this had an impact on the rental market in Crawley.